Burlesque TOP 50 2013: 30 – 21

The Burlesque TOP 50 2013

The Burlesque TOP 50 2013 is sponsored by Sublime Boudoir

Sublime Boudoir: Sponsoring The Burlesque TOP 50 2013.

The Burlesque TOP 50 2013. Sponsored by Sublime Boudoir.
The Burlesque TOP 50 2013 results continue.

On each results page I have included information, links and footage so that you can get to know all the people on this list, especially if you are new to burlesque or less familiar with some of the names.

(Quick disclaimer to make sure everyone is clear: The results are determined by thousands of public votes.  I do not decide who makes it into this list.)

Please feel free to leave comments below. You can also follow and discuss the results on the BURLESQUE Facebook page, the Burlesque TOP 50 Facebook page, or on Twitter with the tag #burlesquetop50


NB: All links open in a new window.

30. Banbury Cross

‘Bulletproof Blonde’ Banbury Cross kicks off this year’s Top 30.  In 2013 Banbury featured in the Australian Burlesque Festival Tour, the Perth Burlesque Festival, the Stockholm Burlesque Festival, and the Viva Las Vegas burlesque showcase. She produced a successful Dixie Evans Week fundraising show in London, co-starring Luna Rosa, Betsy Rose and Sophia St. Villier, and she also joined Sophia on the sofa at Volupte for the Naked Girls Reading London Dixie Evans Week benefit.

Banbury Cross performing ‘Ticket to the Gun Show’.

Banbury performing in the Viva Las Vegas 2013 burlesque showcase.

Banbury’s Website.

Banbury on Twitter.

29. Lola Van Ella

Singing and stripping St Louis siren Lola Van Ella’s 2013 included an appearance at the Kansas City Burlesque Festival, instruction at Van Ella Studios, and another successful year for her two best known productions, The Beggar’s Carnivale and the Show Me Burlesque Festival. Lola also debuted a new act this year – the dreamy and dangerous ‘Delirium’.

Lola performing ‘Delirium’ at the Kansas City Burlesque Festival.

Lola performing ‘Take It All’ in St Louis, January 2013.

Visit Lola’s website…

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28. Cleo Viper

Cleo Viper’s dark brilliance has seen her to No. 28 this year. As well as spending time in Milan and Los Angeles, Cleo’s other 2013 appearances included shows in Berlin, Miami, Rome, Munich, the Helsinki Burlesque Festival, and she competed in the ‘Reigning Queen’ category at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend (Cleo’s pre-BHoF Interview).

Cleo Viper competing at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013.

Cleo Viper: The Death of Cleopatra.

Cleo Viper: The Butterfly.

Cleo Viper’s Website.

Cleo Viper on Twitter.

27. Jeez Loueez

In 2013, Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am, fabulous dancer and feisty force of nature Jeez Loueez performed in the Show Me Burlesque Festival, The Beggars Carnivale, the Colorado Burlesque Festival, and gave a farewell performance as the outgoing Miss Viva Las Vegas at the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender.

Jeez’ performance at Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender.

Jeez Loueez’ Website.

Jeez on Twitter.

26. Sydni Deveraux

At No. 26 this year is ‘Golden Glamazon’ Sydni Deveraux, acknowledged and praised for her discipline, distinctive physicality, and striptease which embodies both strength and grace. 21CB readers enjoyed more of Sydni’s advice columns in 2013, which you can read at the links below.

In 2013 Sydni spent some time in New York performing in Wasabassco productions, performed in the Moisture Festival 2013, and parodied Pharrell in Mod Carousel’s viral response to Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines music video. A highlight was Sydni’s sensational performance at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend, which was awarded ‘1st Runner Up’ in the Reigning Queen category (Sydni’s pre-BHoF Interview).

Sydni’s ‘1st Runner Up’ performance at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013.

Sydni Deveraux: Unbooking Bad Behaviour.

Sydni Deveraux: Unwelcome Criticism.

Visit Sydni’s website…

Follow Sydni on Twitter…

Follow Sydni on Facebook…

25. Angie Pontani

(Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2008)

‘Italian Stallionette’ Angie Pontani has had another busy year.  She appeared in New Mexico and Helsinki, produced a stellar 11th New York Burlesque Festival with co-producer Jen Gapay, was a member of the Dixie Evans Week Team, and her touring show Burlesque-A-Pades gave 35 performances at venues all over the USA. And, of course, many of us have oohed and ahhed over the amazing photographs from Angie’s show-stopping wedding to world class crooner Brian Newman.

Angie performing her beautiful ‘La Vie En Rose’ at Cirque du Burlesque in 2013.

Angie’s Website.

Angie on Twitter.

24. Dixie Evans

I am so pleased that the late, great, much loved and missed burlesque legend Dixie Evans has made the list; I know this will make a lot of people very happy.  If you’ve read about The Burlesque Hall of Fame Museum or Weekender, or dreamt of being crowned Miss Exotic World, Reigning Queen of Burlesque one day, but don’t know about Dixie Evans, take some time to read her story and learn about the origins of the most famous and highly anticipated annual event in the burlesque calendar.

Dixie, after taking over the preservation and management of the Exotic World Museum after the death of burlesque legend Jennie Lee, created the Miss Exotic World competition to increase awareness of the museum. This year, Dixie Evans Week was created to raise funds for Dixie’s medical expenses, but we sadly lost Dixie before the fundraising week began. The Dixie Evans Week team decided that the Week would become a time of honouring and celebrating Dixie, and the funds raised would be used to pay outstanding bills and prepare Dixie’s final resting place.  Fundraising shows and events took place across the world.

I am so grateful for the time I spent with Dixie, and I know many of you have your own special memories and gratitude. She was an extraordinary, magical lady, and I’m glad your votes have created another opportunity to honour her and share her story.

Dixie Evans’ signature ‘Mr Producer’ number.

A clip from Exotic World and the Burlesque Revival: Dixie Interprets a Burlesque Act .

Four Part Dixie Evans/Exotic World documentary on Kitten De Ville’s YouTube channel.

The World Famous *BOB* Remembers Dixie Evans.

Dirty Martini: The Dixie Evans Memorial.

RIP Dixie Evans: The Burlesque Community Responds.

Jo Weldon Interviews Dixie Evans.

Read Dixie’s Story on the Dixie Evans Week Website.

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23. Tigger!

‘Boylesque’ pioneer Tigger! is at No. 23 this year.  In 2013, Tigger! performed at the Edmonton Burlesque Festival, the Helsinki Burlesque Festival, The New York Burlesque Festival, the New York Boylesque Festival, the Slipper Room, and in London, UK. At the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013, Tigger! performed in Jo Weldon’s Sparkly Devil tribute [RIP Sparkly x] and continued in his role as an escort and supporter of the burlesque legends throughout the Weekend.  Tigger! also starred in Beth B’s highly praised burlesque documentary EXPOSED, alongside Julie Atlas Muz and Mat Fraser, Dirty Martini, Miss Rose Wood, World Famous *BOB*, Bunny Love and Bambi the Mermaid.

Tigger! on Facebook.

22. Ginger Valentine

In at No. 22 – tantalising Texan temptress Ginger Valentine.  In 2013, Ginger shared her poise, charm and sensuality with audiences at the New Orleans Burlesque Festival, the Kansas City Burlesque Festival, the Dallas Burlesque Festival, and at the premiere screening of True Tales – the story of burlesque legend Tammi True (read Ginger’s  interview with Tammi True).  She also toured with her Ruby Revue sisters, Missy Lisa and Angi B. Lovely.

Enjoy a New Year Tease from Ginger Valentine.

Ginger, Missy Lisa and Angi B. Lovely performing together in 2013.

Footage of Ginger performing with Bustout Burlesque in New Orleans, 2011, which has had over 1Million views on YouTube.

Ginger’s Website.

Ginger on Twitter.

21. Catherine D’Lish

(Two-Time Miss Exotic World/Reigning Queen Winner.)

In 2013, striptease titan Catherine D’Lish performed in Hotter Than Hell in Texas, at the final Candy Box Burlesque show in Birmingham (UK), and toured with Dita Von Teese in Strip Strip Hooray! and with the Cabaret New Burlesque troupe in France.  At the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013, Catherine was honoured with a special award, presented to her by surprise guest and close friend Dita Von Teese.

Throughout the year, Catherine performed a seductive chaise routine  in which she plucked a victim from the audience and made them her own private climbing frame while she took it off.  The most high profile of her man props was Russell Bruner, and together they put on a scandalous display at the Vancouver International Burlesque Festival. You can read Russell and Catherine’s thoughts on the union here.

Catherine D’Lish and Kitten on the Keys performing in Antibes on the Cabaret New Burlesque tour.

Catherine’s Website.

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About Sublime Boudoir Sublime Boudoir: Sponsoring The Burlesque TOP 50 2013.

“Since its inception in April 2011, Sublime Boudoir has immersed audiences in the world of burlesque/cabaret performance, circus acts, music, cuisine and art. The company strives to heighten all five of the human senses and leave the audience with the “sixth sense” of wanting more.

Sublime Boudoir constructs annual events on a global level; our team stretches from Europe to Indonesia and our experience in the industry is truly unique. We promise our audiences sophistication and timeless memories. Join us around the world and never in the same place twice. Seduce your senses in our Sublime Boudoir.”


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