Burlesque TOP 50 2013: 6 – 4

The Burlesque TOP 50 2013

The Burlesque TOP 50 2013 is sponsored by Sublime Boudoir

Sublime Boudoir: Sponsoring The Burlesque TOP 50 2013.

The Burlesque TOP 50 2013. Sponsored by Sublime Boudoir.
Presenting The Burlesque TOP 50 2013 TOP 10: 6 – 4.

Please feel free to leave comments below. You can also follow and discuss the results on the BURLESQUE Facebook page, the Burlesque TOP 50 Facebook page, or on Twitter with the tag #burlesquetop50

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6. Roxi D’Lite

(Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2010)

Roxi D’Lite performing in the Icons and All-Stars Sunday night showcase at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013. ©Derek Jackson
Roxi D’Lite performing in the Icons and All-Stars Sunday night showcase at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013. ©Derek Jackson

With an incredible confidence and natural talent, Roxi D’Lite delivers striptease with swagger, combining assured feminine sensuality with powerful physicality.  Her popular Facebook fan page has swelled to over 86,000 fans, and her stunning photography has a fan base of its own.

In 2013, Roxi performed in the Australian Burlesque Festival tour, the Hollywood Burlesque Festival, the Monde Ose Burlesque Ball in Montreal, and the spectacular Theatre Bizarre: The Procession.  She also brought the house down at The Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend with her spectacular ‘Moonlight Cyrenade’ show (read her Burlesque Hall of Fame 2013 Diary here).  Roxi regularly performs as a feature dancer and continues to produce amazing self-portraits and photographs of other performers.

Roxi D’Lite Footage

Roxi D’Lite performing Moonlight Cyrenade

Roxi D’Lite performing in SKIN Windsor’s Alternative Arts and Culture Show

Roxi’s Facebook FanpageRoxi on Twitter.

5. Michelle L’amour

(Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2005)

Michelle L'amour.  ©Kaylin Idora 2013  (The Burlesque TOP 50 2013)
Michelle L’amour. ©Kaylin Idora 2013 (The Burlesque TOP 50 2013)

Mouth-wateringly sexy, ambitious, driven and inspiring in every way, Michelle L’amour exudes a sexual energy and strength on stage that stirs her audience into a frenzy, and every year her profile climbs. It was pretty hard to miss the viral explosion of her ‘Butthoven’ video this year, which she followed up with another asstastic display during the holidays, ‘The Buttcracker’.  The original ‘Butthoven’ video on Vimeo now has over 8 Million views, and ‘The Buttcracker’ is closing in on 100,000.  As tongue-in-cheek (ahem) as these videos are, Michelle deserves all the attention and more after years of outstanding contributions to the art form.

In 2013, Michelle also appeared at the Iowa Burlesque Festival, the Southwest Burlesque Showcase, Lucha VaVoom, and rocked out at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend with a scorching hot performance of ‘A Whole Lotta L’amour’. She performed with her sparkling troupe of Chicago Starlets, and also joined Dita Von Teese and cast for the Chicago leg of the Strip Strip Hooray! 2013 tour. Michelle’s Naked Girls Reading franchise continues to expand and flourish, and she hosted another successful Strippers Holiday.

On top of all this, she has produced a new DVD to accompany her beautiful behind’s growing celebrity: Get your hands on Booty Lab NOW!

Michelle L’amour Footage

Michelle L’amour: Butthoven’s 5th Symphony (Now with over 8 Million views on Vimeo)

Michelle L’amour: The Buttcracker

Michelle L’amour performing ‘A Whole Lotta L’amour’ at Lucha VaVoom

Michelle’s WebsiteMichelle on FacebookMichelle on Twitter.

4. Imogen Kelly

(Reigning Queen of Burlesque 2012)

Imogen Kelly at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013.  ©Richard Just  (The Burlesque TOP 50 2013)
Imogen Kelly at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013. ©Richard Just (The Burlesque TOP 50 2013)

One of the most original, innovative, bold and creative performers in burlesque, Australian powerhouse Imogen Kelly sits just outside the coveted Top 3 this year.  I am thrilled that Imogen has received a higher level of recognition and visibility over the past few years.  She has been entertaining her pasties off for more than twenty years, and I have no doubt that the best is yet to come.

Imogen’s 2013 appearances included the Texas Burlesque Festival, the Perth Burlesque Festival and Diamond Carousel in New Zealand, but Imogen has been in the headlines for one main reason: her battle against hereditary breast cancer.  Imogen candidly discussed her bilateral mastectomy and family history in a moving, inspirational piece for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine, which you can read here.   An outstanding and uplifting highlight in 2013 was Imogen’s beautiful farewell performance at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend, which brought the showroom to a standstill and moved many to tears. Trixie Little praised the performance in her BHoF Burlesque Innovation Guild Awards article.  To produce a performance like that with everything that lay ahead of her is testament to her unwavering professionalism and inner strength.

I wish Imogen joy, peace, happiness and success in 2014, and I hope you will send some healing vibes her way, too.

Imogen Kelly Footage

Imogen Kelly’s incredible and moving farewell performance at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013.

Imogen Kelly’s winning performance at BHoF 2012

Imogen’s WebsiteImogen on Facebook.

Stay Tuned for the Burlesque TOP 50 2013 TOP 3!

Published Results: 50 – 31 30 – 21 20 – 11 10 – 7

About Sublime Boudoir Sublime Boudoir: Sponsoring The Burlesque TOP 50 2013.

“Since its inception in April 2011, Sublime Boudoir has immersed audiences in the world of burlesque/cabaret performance, circus acts, music, cuisine and art. The company strives to heighten all five of the human senses and leave the audience with the “sixth sense” of wanting more.

Sublime Boudoir constructs annual events on a global level; our team stretches from Europe to Indonesia and our experience in the industry is truly unique. We promise our audiences sophistication and timeless memories. Join us around the world and never in the same place twice. Seduce your senses in our Sublime Boudoir.”


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