New York Burlesque

Peekaboo Pointe by Ellen Stagg
21 Questions with Peekaboo Pointe

Neo-Burlesque veteran Peekaboo Pointe is an interdisciplinary performer, artist and choreographer, with a MFA in…

The Noire Pageant Healing Circle by Will M
Black Burlesque Queen Perle Noire Makes History with POC Pageant

In a 2016 interview with Jessica Price, burlesque powerhouse Perle Noire remarked that “any time…

Jo Weldon Interview
Jo Weldon: A Life Less Ordinary

Any journey into the modern history of the burlesque arts eventually leads to the devilishly…

New York Burlesque, by Jo Weldon

Burlesque in New York: A Brief Overview of Our Scene By Jo Weldon If you’re…