Competing for the Crown: Midnite Martini (BHoF 2013)

Competing for the Crown: Midnite Martini (BHoF 2013)

Midnite Martini has filled in my 2013 pre-BHoF Q&A, and she will take to the stage in a matter of weeks at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2013. I put something lighthearted and fun together this year, and requested some extra ‘media’ from each contender.

When I’m on stage, I feel… beautifully vulnerable.

When I’m on stage, I want the audience to feel… connected. This has been a new deepening in my life overall lately. Connecting to myself and therefore connecting to others on deeper new levels and relating to people in different exciting ways. Before, I think I wanted audiences to feel impressed, inspired, or entertained when I was on stage. Though I hope that this still occurs, now I’ve found a real importance and priority in audiences just feeling connected to me above all.

The Burlesque Hall of Fame is special and important to me because… it is the reunion of what has become a very important community in my life. From drinking friends to fellow adopted strippers, to teachers and Legend mentors, to artists sparking my own creativity, and people who just like to be naked together! It nourishes so many different things that I find wonderful in this world.

Midnite Martini's self portrait.  ©Midnite Martini
Midnite Martini’s self portrait. ©Midnite Martini

I chose the act I am competing with because… it features my original innovation. I came up with the design and created what I call the ‘Midnite Plumes de Doight’ (Midnite Plumes for short) last year. I am very proud of the creation and I believe this act really represents who I am. Sassy and classic with a modern carnie-like twist!

If I am crowned Queen… I’ll cry and scream and buy everyone tequila shots! But really, I would just do my best to honour and represent BHoF and the crown, while still continuing my own personal journey and growth to be the best performer and person I can be.

If I could speak to myself when I was a new performer starting out, I would say/tell myself… the same advice Miss Indigo Blue gave me, see below!

Something that few people know about me is… I have asthma and I also have a degree in Psychology.

I am happiest when… I’m with Buster and feel home.

My greatest strength is… my desire and follow through.

My biggest vice is… that third shot of tequilla.

My greatest fear is… being stifled or unable to grow.

If I could spend a day with any woman in history, past or present, it would have to be… my birth sister. I’ve never met any of my birth family but know I have brothers and at least one sister. Getting to meet and talk with my birth family, especially my sister, is something I hope I get to do one day.

I if could have a superhero power, it would be… to actually fly.

Midnite Martini.  ©La Photographie Nashville
Midnite Martini. ©La Photographie Nashville

The best piece of advice I have ever been given is… from Miss Indigo Blue. She told me something that has really become my mantra over the past year. She said that you have to get to know and love yourself to become the best performer you can be. So, MIB said, that means you have to do the work (the very hard work) to connect with yourself, build a healthy and honest relationship with yourself, and accept and love yourself. Once you do that, and only once you do that, you can reach your full potential as a performer and artist.

Glittery kisses from Midnite Martini.
Glittery kisses from Midnite Martini.

If I could only watch one movie, hear one song and read one book for the rest of my life, they would be… This was really tough! This question took me the longest to finally answer, but if I had to choose: Movie – Pulp Fiction, Song – What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong, Book – Ishmael or Shakespeare.

The key to show-stopping striptease is… touching the audience and letting the audience touch you.  And no, not like that! (wink)  A show where you leave your mark on the audience and let the performance leave a mark on you too; a show where no one will ever be the same afterwards!

My hopes for the future of burlesque are… for it to be a nourishing, inclusive space where art, performance, and entertainment can continue to push boundaries and creativity.

Find out all you need to know about the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend at their new website…

Visit Midnite Martini’s website…

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