Burlesquers of the World: Pepper Sparkles (Helsinki, Finland)

Pepper Sparkles. ©Atelieri O. Haapala
Pepper Sparkles.  ©Atelieri O. Haapala
Pepper Sparkles. ©Atelieri O. Haapala

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I know most people outside Finland usually find out about me through my Mata Hari signature act, and tend to think I’m the ‘always classy and glamorous’ kind of performer. I wish! As an example I can say that when the girls in our troupe, The Dizzy Daisies, decided to create a cat group routine my first idea was: I want to throw up a hairball during the act! And I actually do still throw up the hairball during that act.

The truth is I developed Mata Hari as a challenge to myself, and in order to work on new performing tools that didn’t rely on being plain silly and making the audience laugh. And I am happy I did; it has helped me grow as a performer, cope with a wider variety of routine ideas and know that challenging oneself always pays off. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

Pepper Sparkles



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