Burlesquers of the World: Bettie Blackheart (Helsinki, Finland)

Bettie Blackheart, by Minna Jerrman

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Bettie Blackheart, by Minna Jerrman
Bettie Blackheart, by Minna Jerrman

My signature fire act ‘Thunder Goddess’ was born in 2010. It has changed a lot since. I absolutely love performing it, however it is hard to find venues that allow fire these days. It is my first fire act since being sanctioned by Satan’s Angel. It is also special because I was performing it in Basel, Switzerland three years ago and during rehearsals I got a huge urge to get out and go for a walk. I just walked randomly and found myself in a little store; I bought a lighter and went back to the venue to continue tech. A day later I found out when going back home that my dear grandmom had a stroke at the same time I needed my walk. She died very peacefully a few days later at the age of 93. I felt that she took me for a last walk together. She was a very strong, humorous and intelligent woman who until the end was independent and vibrant. She never came to a show but she wanted to buy a ticket just to support my productions. The Thunder Goddess act is dedicated to my grandmom and I always think of her and and her life and her strength when performing the act. She gives me extra fire for it.

Bettie Blackheart


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