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Burlesque TOP 50 2014: TOP 20 UK

Burlesque TOP 50 2014: TOP 20 UK

Burlesque TOP 50 2014

You know the results of your international Burlesque TOP 50 2014, but there are extra lists to come which make the most of all the voting data gathered from thousands of you worldwide. You went crazy for last year’s Bonus Lists, so stay tuned over the next week to make your TOP 50 fix last a little longer!

Feel free to leave comments below! You can also follow and discuss the results on the BURLESQUE Facebook page, the Burlesque TOP 50 Facebook page, or on Twitter with the tag #burlesquetop50

Holli-Mae Johnson

NB: All links open in a new window, so you won’t lose this page.

The Burlesque TOP 50 2014 is sponsored by Sublime Boudoir

Sublime Boudoir: Sponsoring The Burlesque TOP 50 2013.

Burlesque TOP 50 2014: TOP 20 UK

Aurora Galore. ©Tigz Rice
Aurora Galore. ©Tigz Rice

1. Aurora Galore

(Burlesque TOP 50 No. 15)

2. Vicky Butterfly

(Burlesque TOP 50 No. 17)

3. Kitty Bang Bang

(Burlesque TOP 50 No. 30)

4. Polly Rae

(Burlesque TOP 50 No. 41)

Vicky Butterfly. ©Black Cat Cabaret
Vicky Butterfly. ©Black Cat Cabaret

5. Betsy Rose

(Burlesque TOP 50 No. 44)

6. Havana Hurricane

(Burlesque TOP 50 No.  45)

7. Mat Fraser

(Burlesque TOP 50 No. 50 )

8. Velma Von Bon Bon
9. Rubyyy Jones
10. Bettsie Bon Bon

Kitty Bang Bang. ©Peepin' Talullah
Kitty Bang Bang. ©Peepin’ Talullah

11. Reuben Kaye
12. Immodesty Blaize
13. Banbury Cross
14. Khandie Khisses
15. Missy Malone
16. Missy Fatale
17. Anna Fur Laxis
18. Eliza DeLite
19. Luna Rosa
20. Lady Wildflower

More Bonus Lists to come. Full list of Burlesque TOP 50 results here.


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