Tara Boom, a renowned performer from Sandy Point, Melbourne, is known for her unconventional circus acts, including hula hooping with a popcorn machine on her head and performing hand puppet abortions. Her acts are charged with physical comedy, and she leverages them to challenge societal norms with a subversive and anarchic spin from her Australian circus and cabaret background. Despite struggles with depression and global pandemic-related challenges, Tara uses her performances to connect deeply with audiences, address taboos, and express her authentic self.
Today, lithe and vivacious dancers across the globe watch and wait for the legendary Parisian institution Crazy Horse Paris to announce auditions on Instagram. Before social media existed, Anna O’Keefe, a plucky teenager from New Zealand, walked in and asked for one. She would go on to become Roxy Tornado, arguably the most iconic, documented dancer in its 72 year history.
How do you interview one of the most prolific burlesque performers, producers and bookers in…
Have you ever made a bad decision you’ve always regretted? I know I have. But…
How do you juggle a burlesque teaching business, hoards of students, newborn babies, and manage…
Before the 10th round of the Burlesque Top 50 voting process began in November 2018,…
After over a decade of conversations with Dirty Martini – burlesque icon, New York legend…
After 11 years of interviewing Dita Von Teese, her constant reinvention, evolution and endurance never…
[wp-review id=”28184″] The Folly Mixtures put on quite a show last year in the London…
I was delighted to attend the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend at Easter for a…
In March, I visited Dita Von Teese at The Crazy Horse Paris during her sold…