Stepping Down in Style: Midnite Martini at Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2015

Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.

The star-studded and heartfelt step-down of 2014’s Queen of Burlesque was a highlight of this year’s Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend. The ever-elegant Midnite Martini shared a few words with Crystal Tassels about the competition after Sunday night’s showcase.

21st Century Burlesque Magazine Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2015 Coverage is sponsored by Fancy Feather.

Fancy Feather

How many years have you been coming to BHoF? What’s changed?

This is my seventh year! It’s got so much bigger and I think the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend has solidified in the community as a big, important, international event. It’s always been amazing, but now it’s a must see! You really can’t miss it.

Are there any memories that stand out for you from over the years?

The first time you come is always magic, of course. Then after that it’s like a reunion with this amazing family. We’re a community of outcasts; there’s no judgement and we all fit in. It feels amazing to find this inclusive community. It really is like a crazy family reunion.

Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.

What’s up next for you?

The Colorado Burlesque Festival is coming up in July! Basically we’ll sober up and recover from BHoF just in time to get obliterated again at the festival. After that, I’d love to do some travelling to Asia and Europe. At the moment I’m starting to put together a tour of Asia. I’d be touring with a DJ friend of mine who’s based in China, so we’d start there and eventually end in Seoul, South Korea.


Midnite also spoke to 21st Century Burlesque Magazine about her dazzling step-down performance at the Saturday night Tournament of Tease:

“I felt so honoured to be stepping down on such a momentous year (58th anniversary of the reunion, 50th anniversary of the museum, and 25th MEW), so I really wanted my step down to reflect not just me, but the bigger picture of the burlesque community. The opening of my step down I actually dreamt about! In my dream I was walking the stage and like Miss America I had a voice over talking about my past year as Miss Exotic World. I woke up and thought, ‘Hey I should really do that!’ But instead I wanted to use the voice over to pay homage to the community, the past winners, the legends, and of course Dixie and Jennie.

Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.

“Then I knew I wanted some of my best burlesque friends to join me onstage, so I asked Foxy Tann, Jeez Loueez, Redbone, Bazuka Joe (I also asked Ray but he couldn’t since he was judging), and my King Mr Gorgeous if they’d be involved as my backup dancers. Lola Frost and Cherry OnTop added in last minute to my delight as well!

Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.
Midnite Martini at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend Tournament of Tease in The Orleans Showroom, Las Vegas. ©Chris Harman/Harman House Photography for 21st Century Burlesque Magazine. Not to be used without permission.

“And at the end I just wanted a giant fun dance party surrounded by all of my community on stage with me. So I asked everyone from Colorado who was going to BHoF to be apart of the madness as well as put out the word on FB for extra people to join. My intent was to have the feel and energy of the act to celebrate this amazing group of people who truly supported and cared for me to help me win MEW in the first place. As everyone was rushing the stage I thought to myself, this is exactly how I want to go out, with the people I love having fun and sharing in this moment with me! It was truly the perfect step down for me!”

View the full list of competition results here and stay tuned for more Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend 2015 coverage – enjoy all the coverage so far HERE!

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