Between the Sheets: 7 Ways to Seduce Your Audience

Between the Sheets: 7 Ways to Seduce Your Audience

Burlesque songstress Miss Polly Rae, star of West End hit The Hurly Burly Show and Between the Sheets, shares her tips for keeping an audience tantalised and titillated. You can watch Polly Rae, Kitty Bang Bang and cast in action at London Wonderground next month; see below for details…

Create A Welcoming Environment

Let us entertain you: Phil InGud, Betsy Rose, Miss Polly Rae and Kitty Bang Bang prepare for Between the Sheets at the Soho Burlesque Club.  © (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Let us entertain you: Phil InGud, Betsy Rose, Miss Polly Rae and Kitty Bang Bang prepare for Between the Sheets at the Soho Burlesque Club. © (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Entice your guest(s) into your ‘boudoir’ by creating a perfect setting. Sensual lighting, tempting fragrance, luxurious decor. Make them feel extremely comfortable and at home.

Provide A Pleasing Visual

Miss Polly Rae.  ©Ayesha H (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Miss Polly Rae. ©Ayesha H (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Exude glamour from head to toe. Jaw-dropping lingerie, exquisite costuming that accentuates in all the right places, killer heels and a smile that weakens the knees.

Give Them Aural Pleasure

Miss Polly Rae.  ©Tigz Rice (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Miss Polly Rae. ©Tigz Rice (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Stimulate your audience with what they hear. Familiar melodies, provocative basslines and outrageous lyrics. Don’t be afraid to speak to them, engage them and make them laugh. Tell them what you want and make them tell you what they want.

Play With Your Character

Miss Polly Rae.  ©Dan Burgess (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Miss Polly Rae. ©Dan Burgess (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Allow your inner seductress to come out through your character and personality. Commit to your persona and radiate confidence.

Look Deep Into Their Eyes

Miss Polly Rae.  ©Ayesha H (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Miss Polly Rae. ©Ayesha H (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Hypnotise and connect to your audience by catching their eye. Don’t be shy; hold their gaze. Use your eyes and movement to guide your audience to view what you want them to look at.

Keep Them On Their Toes

Kittty Bang Bang, Miss Polly Rae and Betsy Rose in Between the Sheets at the Soho Burlesque Club. .  ©Tigz Rice (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Kittty Bang Bang, Miss Polly Rae and Betsy Rose in Between the Sheets at the Soho Burlesque Club. . ©Tigz Rice (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Keep them guessing, avoid the obvious, create elements of surprise and go beyond expectations. Perhaps introduce a few Lelo adult luxury lifestyle items…

Leave Them Wanting More

Miss Polly Rae 'Between the Sheets'...  ©David Ralph (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)
Miss Polly Rae ‘Between the Sheets’… ©David Ralph (Between the Sheets at London Wonderground)

Arouse hope, desire and curiosity but don’t give it all away – some things are best left to the imagination. Tease them but leave them so desperate for next time that they arrange another date immediately (or go straight to the box office and buy tickets for the next show!)

Catch Miss Polly Rae, Kitty Bang Bang, Ophelia Bitz and the rest of the fantastic cast of Between the Sheets (sponsored by Lelo) at London Wonderground on Friday August 1st and Saturday August 9th, 2014 . Click here to book tickets.

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