Burlesque Beauty: Kitten de Ville

Burlesque Beauty: Kitten De Ville

In my new Burlesque Beauty series, performers discuss their favourite beauty products, beauty regimes, indulgences and philosophy, and I’m delighted to launch the series with Kitten de Ville, Miss Exotic World 2002!


Onstage and off I use only the ‘Kitten de Ville’ shade of RED Burlesque lipstick. I personally hand-picked the colour, which I believe is the perfect classic red, and I just adore it for the long lasting colour and feel on my lips.


Onstage and for camera work I use MAC Full Coverage Foundation. It is light and long-lasting and it does not settle into the skin like liquid or powder foundations do. I do not wear foundation in my daily life.

Eyes and Brows

Both onstage and off I love the inexpensive Maybelline eyebrow pencil in ‘Blonde’. It is easy to use and gives me a perfect, long-lasting brow. Onstage I wear L’Oreal Carbon Black liquid Eyeliner because I love the paintbrush applicator.  For eyeshadows I wear mainly MAC colours.

Kitten De Ville On Stage.  ©POC Photo  (Burlesque Beauty)
Kitten De Ville On Stage. ©POC Photo (Burlesque Beauty)


The only product I use for my hair style is Aqua Net Hairspray. I have tried all the fancy hairsprays but have found that they do not hold up to weather or the abuse of performing the way Aqua Net does!

Body Makeup

I use Derma Blend, colour ‘light’, for my body makeup. I mix it with a lotion to thin it down and set it with a translucent powder. I love that I can swim, sleep and do pretty much anything in it and it will not come off until I scrub it with a lot of soap and water!

Beauty rituals

Daily exercise, a leisurely bath, followed by skin lotion and my favourite perfume, Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger. I style my hair with pin curls and the set will usually last me close to a week, so on a daily basis I do not have to do too much with my hair other then touch up a curl here or there. Offstage I only wear lipstick and eyebrow pencil; I like to let my natural self shine through.

Favourite/most enjoyable aspect of beauty/makeup routine…

I love the whole ritual of my onstage makeup routine. I put on some good music and pour myself a glass of champagne. I set and arrange the cosmetics and brushes on my dressing table and relax into a leisurely hour of transformation.

For my everyday life, my favourite thing is the quick spray of perfume and how it arouses all my senses.

Least enjoyable aspect of beauty routine…

My least enjoyable beauty routine is pin curling my hair. It only takes me fifteen minutes and I have it down to a science, but it still seems time consuming to me.

Offstage: Kitten De Ville with daughter Ivy Rose.  ©Kitten De Ville  (Burlesque Beauty)
Offstage: Kitten De Ville with daughter Ivy Rose. ©Kitten De Ville (Burlesque Beauty)

Biggest beauty indulgence (product or treatment you spend the most on…)

My biggest beauty indulgence is my perfume.

Best value/bargain product…

Aqua Net Hairspray, $3.00.

Perfume(s) of choice…

Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger.


Nailtique is a wonderful product if you want to grow out and have strong natural nails. I use it daily if I do not have gel or fake nails on. When having natural nails I tend to leave them nude because the nailtique has such a powerful shine to it, but if I have enhanced nails on I want them bright red with a bit of a moon.

Favourite beauty and body treatments…

A Korean spa day of pools and full body scrubs with milk and honey.

Do you prefer/tend towards DIY care and maintenance, or have regular visits to salons, therapists and beauticians?

My mother was a beautician and I learned a lot about hair colour and sets from her, so I am a very DIY kind of gal when it comes to my hair.  I love the luxury of a scalp massage and a day at the salon, but I feel that, as a blonde, I come out over-processed and ultimately my hair ends up shorter than when I began.

Kitten De Ville applying her signature shade of lipstick.  ©Falcon Foto  (Burlesque Beauty)
Kitten De Ville applying her signature shade of lipstick. ©Falcon Foto (Burlesque Beauty)

Beauty tips, secrets and tricks/hacks…

When applying long fake eyelashes, do not follow your natural line to the outside of your eye. Instead, tilt the lash up to create more of a cat eye effect; this will also open up the eye and you will not have droopy looking lashes. Fill in the blank space with eyeliner.

Beauty/Makeup: enhancement, a chance to reinvent and reimagine, or artifice?

I think of makeup as colour and a frame for my expressions. My two most important things are red lips to see my smile and eyebrows to frame the sparkle in my eyes!

Does makeup have a purely professional purpose for you, or is it an enjoyable and everyday part of your life and self image?

I love red lipstick. I rarely leave the house without it on.

Beauty Philosophy

I believe everyone should take the time and pleasure in honouring themselves. Scented baths to relax in, the feel of nice lotions rubbed onto your body, the smell of delicious perfumes on your skin. The time in front of the mirror to meditate and spend time getting to know and love your self-image. How much or little makeup one uses is of little matter, as long as what you are doing is for your own enjoyment .


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